Research Processes
A reflective space whose aim is to highlight the rhythmic dimensions inherent to scientific activity in general, and the elaboration of this research project in particular.
- Donald Knuth
- Edgar Morin
- Francois Jullien
- Gaston Bachelard
- Gaston Pineau
- Henri Lefebvre
- Howard Gardner
- Jack Mezirow
- Jean Piaget
- Jean-Louis Le Moigne
- analogy / analogie
- analogy / analogy
- coaching / accompagnement
- complexity / complexité
- crisis / crise
- development / développement
- education
- emancipation
- intelligence
- life history / histoire de vie
- metaphor / métaphore
- moment
- music / musique
- narrative / récit
- process / processus
- regression / régression
- rhythmanalysis / rythmanalyse
- rhythmology / rythmologie
- self-development / auto-formation
- statistics / statistiques
- temporal conflict / conflit temporel
- temporality / temporalité
- transformation
- transformative learning / apprentissage transformateur
- video
- website / site web